What the latest PlayStation launch says about purchase intent
OneFifty Consultancy's social media and digital marketing blog, insights and news
Social media, influencer insights and digital marketing news and opinions.
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Shut the front door, data is great
Data: Lost in translation
From one startup to another: how do we discuss mental health?
A year living social trends: A new hobby for life reset
Will Kemble-Clarkson, Ctrl-Shift: GDPR is an opportunity for growth
Architect of Next, Anne-Catherine: Things you only know about social media when you’re from Germany
The truth behind Christmas dinner: what we really love, and when we plan it
Social media behaviours – modelling, and why we need to free the data
Architects of Next: Social influencer, content and data evolution / Vikki Chowney, H+K Strategies
Measuring your year – data insight in action
Why you (probably) shouldn’t believe 2016 social media predictions
Architects Of Next: Transparency & trust / David de Koning, Funding Circle
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