As part of OneFifty’s veganuary journey, we’ve been speaking with vegan content creators. Following our interview with Vegan Family TV, we’ve also chatted to up and coming Vegan content creator, Ash from Eat Plants. Ash is keen to challenge his body – his current goal is to obtain the same cycling power to weight standard as a world-class athlete.
Ash met us at the Veggie Pret in Soho (hopefully a vegan Pret will be opened soon!) and shared some of his vegan journey with us:
Why did you start being vegan?
It was due to the health benefits and vitamins that could be gained from a vegan diet. The idea that diet can have so much of an effect on your body, made me research the benefits of different food groups. Veganism came out on top. Your body gets so many vitamins from a plant based diet.
How did you find becoming vegan?
One day I ate a steak – the next day I became Vegan. Once I became vegan I didn’t have any cravings for meat. Now all I want is veggies.
What’s the biggest benefit of a vegan diet?
Veganism goes hand in hand with exercise. It helps with my aim of trying to hit world-class power-to-weight ratios on a bike (you can learn more in Ash’s video here). I know my form has improved since turning vegan. I have also notice my immune system is a lot stronger. I just feel so much better and healthier – even my eyes look less sunken!
Biggest frustration about being vegan?
When people consider a vegan diet they only concentrate on what they would miss rather than what they would gain. When someone argues that they will miss burgers too much, they don’t understand that their cravings will change over time. You will no longer crave burgers you will crave vegan food. All cravings are a product of your environment.
How can you see the spread of veganism continuing?
There will be a generation shift. A rebellion from children against their parents for making them eat dairy and meat. People will see the purpose in becoming vegan and that will drive them to maintain a vegan diet. They will see the benefit and results that other people get from a vegan diet and will follow.
Has being vegan ever affected you in any social situations?
To a large extent, no – if your family care about you they will understand. There was one instance eating out with a group at a Beefeaters. As you can imagine they had nothing vegan on the menu. After some tooing and froing I finally ended up happy with a baked potato and beans!
What motivates you to share your vegan journey on social media?
I want to help people to help themselves. If I can show people the benefits of a vegan diet they will follow. I try and be as candid and tell the truth. It also allows me to show people that a vegan diet doesn’t have to be boring, my most popular content is vegan pizza!